Teachers are often not given enough thanks, yet they impact lives on a daily basis. We are often presented with negative news about schools and the teaching profession. Many know that some teachers are even leaving the profession. In a recent article in the online published version of Education Week October 30, 2012, Paul Barnwell referred to Five Reasons Why Teaching Is Still Great.
- He refers to the countless wins a teacher feels with the small victories she/he experiences each day.
- Another reason even though teachers make "excessive personal and professional sacrifices", is that a teacher can focus their efforts on what matters.
- For those of us who were teachers, we also realize that teaching it is not a desk job. "The variety of challlenges and encounters keeps the work of teaching exciting."
- With the growth of technology, teaching gives us an opportunity to be innovative with new tools that will impact the lives of our students.
- The fifth reason refers to the fact that there are no limits to professional growth and exploration.
I want to give special thanks to Mrs. Chase, my sixth grade teacher, who insipired me to become a teacher. Thank you, Mrs. Chase!