Tuesday, January 29, 2013


Having been a former teacher and principal in Connecticut , the tradegy at Sandy Hook Elementary School devasted me.  I could feel for the parents, teachers and community members all shocked by the unbelievable act of violence. How could this happen? Why did it happen?  Will we every know? Is there hope for a brighter future? What are people doing in light of this horrific event?

 I visited Connecticut over the holidays and listened.  I listened to people who still could not believe that something like this could happen. I listened to some calling for stricker gun laws.  I listened to some calling for tighter security in schools. I listened to my nieces and nephews who shared feelings and talked about things they could do for the families.  I have a niece who is interning as a school counselor who shared her thoughts and desire to reach out to those in need.  My brother-in-law owns a restaurant in North Haven called Dino's.  A grandfather of one of the victims was a frequent visitor of the restaurant and he shared his loss.  My brother-in-law listened.  He decided to provided his customers with an opportunity to reach out by setting up a location in his restaurant to collect school supplies to donate to Sandy Hook Elementary School. DKG members in Connecticut shared their feelings and others listened. Many have been impacted nationally and internationally by this event.  Are we all listening?  Do we have hope for a brighter future? What are we doing?

The Hartford Courant  newspaper shared an article about two Newtown boys taking action.
http://www.courant.com/news/connecticut/newtown-sandy-hook-school-shooting/hc-newtown-united-sandy-hook-shooting-1220-20121219,0,2500252.story .  Stepbrothers Max Goldstein, 12 and Jackson Mittleman, 13, both of Newtown , CT started a movement called "Played Out," encouraging kids to dump violent video games outside Newtown Youth Academy.  These boys are listening to their hearts.
DKG members in Connecticut founded A Curriculum of Hope for a Peaceful World. http://www.deltakappagamma.org/CT/hope.php  many years ago. I would like to share with you what founder and DKG member Jeanne Morascini had to say as she reflected on the tragedy. "May 2013 be a year of personal growth, understanding, conviction and action for each of us.  Do take the time to nurture yourself with moments of silence to remind yourself that you ARE a peacemaker.  Take time to remember that you have innate inner peace that is always present deep within you.  You have but to bring it forth, to draw on it and share it with others who are in need of it.  May your life be enriched and your spirits enlightened by all the good you do each day.  May your efforts bring love into the hearts of others as we all strive to bring more peace to the 'tiny, fragile ball of life' called Earth.  It is, after all, only we who can do it."


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