Wednesday, December 19, 2012

December 2012


I just returned from the last of 4 courses in The Business of Meetings Certificate Program sponsored by the America Association of Association Executives (ASAE).  The course I attended in Washington D.C. focused on strategic planning and marketing.  The course was designed to help me
  1. Recognize the value of strategic thinking and the impact that it can have on the organization;
  2. Identify various models and components of a strategic plan;
  3. Leverage branding concepts, principles, and purposes;
  4. Distinguish marketing roles, skills, and responsibilities to increase attendance and experience;
  5. Discuss various sponsorship sales opportuinities, strategies, and points of view;
  6. Articulate a global vision for the future while establishing a planning process;
  7. Develop and implement a creative marketing plan to support positioning and branding.
While participating in this fabulous course, I also had the opportunity to work with members in other associations.  This sharing opportunity was invigorating and fun!

Monday, November 19, 2012

November 2012

Thanksgiving is a time to stop and take time from our busy schedule to think. Think about all that we should be thankful for in our lives. Taking time to reflect on our families and friends can be heartwarming.  How have these individuals touched our lives?  I am sure it has been in many different ways.  Have you ever been thankful for a teacher who made a difference in your life?

Teachers are often not given enough thanks, yet they impact lives on a daily basis.  We are often presented with negative news about schools and the teaching profession. Many know that some teachers are even leaving the profession. In a recent article in the online published version of  Education Week October 30, 2012, Paul Barnwell referred to Five Reasons Why Teaching Is Still Great.
  •  He refers to the countless wins a teacher feels with the small victories she/he experiences each day.
  •  Another reason even though teachers make "excessive personal and professional sacrifices", is that a teacher can focus their efforts on what matters. 
  • For those of us who were teachers, we also realize that teaching it is not a desk job.  "The variety of challlenges and encounters keeps the work of teaching exciting." 
  • With the growth of technology, teaching gives us an opportunity to be innovative with new tools that will impact the lives of our students. 
  • The fifth reason refers to the fact that there are no limits to professional growth and exploration.
Check out his full article. We, as educators, need to be proactive and celebrate the teaching profession.  As DKG members, we can help keep teachers in the profession by supporting Early Career Educator Projects within our chapters and state organizations.  We are always educating and need to continue to celebrate and be thankful for all that teaching has given us.

I want to give special thanks to Mrs. Chase, my sixth grade teacher, who insipired me to become a teacher.  Thank you, Mrs. Chase!

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

October 2012

Hats off to women leaders!  We impact many lives and it is often good to remind each other of this fact.  This month I attended The Texas Conference for Women.  I was joined by my colleagues Corlea, Linda, Nita and Beverly, our DKG 2012-2014 International President. The theme of the event was Imagine.  Women were motivated to dream the possibilities, achieve the reality and make a difference.  Texas First Lady Anita Perry welcomed thousands of women representing all generations and careers to the Austin Convention Center for a day full of  inspirational keynote speakers and dynamic breakout sessions. Keynote speakers included Charlotte Beers who was named "The Most Powerful Woman in Advertising" and Cathie Black, a well-known media executive, named to Fortune magazine and Forbes as one of the "Most Powerful Women in Business". The day was energizing and thought provoking! 

Thursday, August 30, 2012

September 2012

Final preparations are being made for the Austin CTAUN Conference which will be held at the Joe C. Thompson Center at The University of Texas at Austin on Saturday, September 22, 2012 from 9 to 4. The conference titled Promoting Tolerance: Solutions for Change is a conference for educators, students and concerned citizens.  It will include keynotes, panelists, breakouts and an info fair addressing local and global social, educational and legal trends and solutions.

 This is a wonderful opportunity for various organizations to work together to promote a common interest. The Austin Steering Committee includes representative from the following organizations:

Committee on Teaching About the United Nations
The Delta Kappa Gamma Society International
College of Liberal Arts
College  of Education
The Unversity of Texas at Austin
America Association of University Women
Austin Independent School District
Central Texas Model United Nations
The University of Texas
Noethwest Austin Rotary Club
United Nations Association Austin
Registration is only $50 and includes a box lunch. 
Student registration is $25 and includes a box lunch.
(Additional fee of $10 and no box lunch for registration after September 10)
Six continuing Professional Education (CPE) hours available.
For registration and information visit

August 2012

The International Convention in New York City was very exciting as over 2,000 gathered at the Sheraton on 7th Ave. for inovating speakers, shopping, dynamic breakout sessions, shopping, broadway shows, shopping, inspirational general sessions, shopping and  a wonderful Marketplace!  Plans are already in motion for the Regional Conferences next summer which will be in Cheyenne, WY; Orlando, FL; Branson, MO; Portland, OR and Amsterdam in The Netherlands.  Start planning!  Think ahead also to the 2014 International Convention at the JW Marriott in Indianapolis, IN.

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

July 2012


The Iowa State Organization Convention held in Council Bluffs was a huge success!  Energetic leadership training for new chapter officers, great speakers, and wonderful breakout sessions allowed for much personal and professional growth.  There are so many great happenings in Iowa.  The excitement is contagious!

While in Iowa, I visited Sioux City and learned much about the area.  It was fascinating and is a place you should visit.  It will surprise you!


Wednesday, June 20, 2012

June 2012

Thanks to the Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation, I was a recipient of a Lucile Cornetet Professional Development Award.  This enabled me to attend the Flawless Business Operations seminar that was held in Washington, D.C.  This course was designed to help me:

  • Address HR components critical to a successful and diverse work environment;
  • Discuss the impact of ROI planning objectives, measurement tools and reports;
  • Administer the event budget within the context of the overall association;
  • Examine criteria for internal and external partnerships;
  • Prepare for crisis, disasters, and emergencies that may occur at our meetings;
  • Analyze legal and liability issues and likely implications.
This was the third course I have taken in a series of four for The Business of Meetings Certificate Program. Many thanks to the Board of Trustees for the Delta Kappa Gamma Educational Foundation for making this possible.  I encourage you all to check out the wonderful work of the foundation by going directly to their website at . Perhaps you will consider applying for an award!

Thursday, May 24, 2012

May 2012

I had the honor of attending the Indiana State Organization Conference.  It was a wonderful and exciting conference.  The members in Indiana are fabulous and they are anxiously awaiting our arrival!  They will be hosting the 2014 International Convention in Indianapolis. During my visit to Indiana, I had the opportunity to visit the J.W. Marriott, the site of the 2014 Internatioanl Convention.  This is a brand new, gorgeous hotel in an ideal location, convenient to many places in downtown Indianapolis. The staff is anxiously awaiting our arrival.  While there, we had an opportunity to tour this wonderful, modern facility. Think of yourself relaxing in this comforting environment, enjoying the wonderful fellowship of Delta Kappa Gamma members, actively participating in professionl breakout sessions, listening to wonderful speakers, making decisions that will impact the future of the Society and maybe even doing a bit of touring around the area. It is never too early to start planning and saving for this event. Mark your calendar for July 28-August 1, 2014.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

April 2012

The American Society of Association Executives held their Great Ideas Conference in Colorado Springs.  Corlea, Linda, Nita and I came away ignited after attending this energizing event. This educational opportunity included more than 80 exceptional learning opportunities and two powerful general sessions featuring John Kao and Carmine Gallo. We, the DKG adminsitrative staff, connected at breakfast with Carmine Gallo.  Carmine is a former CNN business anchor and writes Your Communications Coach for He is the author of The Inovation Secrets of Steve Jobs and the newly released, The Power of Foursquare. His keynote address entitled Standing Out in the Markeplace: Inspiring Lessons From Apple, Foursquare, and Other Creative Brands motivated his audience to unlock their creative potential and foster an environment that encourages innovation. Do we do this in our families? Do we do this with our friends? Do we do this in our classrooms?  How about with our co-workers? Take time to reflect over this thought.  Think of the endless possibilities and creative potential.

Friday, March 16, 2012

March 2012

We all know how important teamwork is to the success of an event.  Well, I had an opportunity to view first hand a different form of teamwork in action.  Attending my first "Team Roping" event in Salado, Texas was an exciting learning experience for me.  James Scott, husband of Nita, our Membership Administrator, is a team roper. During this event he was randonly chosen to team up with a partner.  While on horseback,one partner needed to rope the horms of a steer and the other the legs in a quick paced timed event. They both brought talent, skill and experience. All wonderful qualities that I hope one brings to a team.

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

February 2012

We all need to take time to relax.  It is even better when you can get away.  I was able to do this and spend time with family. Puerto Vallarta was the destination of a mini family vacation.  I joined my mom, sister, brother-in-law, niece and nephew for a wonderful relaxing vacation.  They traveled from Connecticut and I met them in Mexico.  During our special time together, we experienced an extreme dolphin swim that proved to be very exciting. It was amazing to dive underwater being led by two dolphins. I came back tanned and very relaxed. Take time for yourself.  It can be energizing!

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

January 2012

During the holidays, I hope many of you had a chance to visit with family. I always look forward to a trip back to Conncecticut where I gather with my mom, all my brothers and sisters, all their spouses, and especially my eight nieces and nephews.  It is a special time to be together and truly appreciate family.  Our family members all make that extra effort to travel and be together for traditional events and just fun time together.  As you can see, I am training them to be Univeristy of Texas fans!